21 Nov 2017

On Wednesday 15 November the IOP held its annual event focusing on promoting career opportunities for female physicists. �Taking Control of your Career as a Female Physicist�, organised in partnership with SEPnet, set out to communicate the range of career opportunities for female physicists and provide a platform for attendees to discuss career-related issues in a supportive environment.
Panellists from industry and academia shared their experiences and provided tips and advice on their career journey and the resilience needed to carve out a successful career path. The attendees commented on what inspirational role models the panellists were and on how motivated and well informed they felt about their career options.
One student commented �(i)t is really hard to meet female physicists outside academia so this is why I attended this event and I feel inspired and supported. It�s also proven to be a great networking opportunity�. Panellist, Rikki Douglas of Ultra Electronics said �(i)t is refreshing to see so many committed career-minded female physicists in one place.�